Assignment: Concorso di idee, invito su bando pubblico di selezione per curriculum
Open competition, call on public tender for curriculum selection
Open competition, call on public tender for curriculum selection
Type: Pianificazione urbana, Arredo urbano
Urban planning and furniture
Urban planning and furniture
Programme: Progettazione dell’arredo urbano del centro storico di Empoli e Pontorme. Opere relative alla sistemazione e all’arredo urbano, progetto dell’illuminotecnica, della pavimentazione, riqualificazione degli incroci e delle “porte”, la sistemazione del verde
Urban design of the historical centre of Empoli and Pontorme. Works relating to the arrangement and the design of urban furniture, lighting, flooring, redevelopment of the crossroads and the "doors", and the green areas.
Urban design of the historical centre of Empoli and Pontorme. Works relating to the arrangement and the design of urban furniture, lighting, flooring, redevelopment of the crossroads and the "doors", and the green areas.
Size:Empoli ca 16 ha; Pontorme: ca 6 ha
Place:Empoli, Pontorme (Firenze), Italy
Cooperation:Andrea Becherucci, Massimo Iarussi, Silvia Rocchini, Nicola Volpini
Client:Comune di Empoli